Stricter health protection measures in the 2nd district
- All customers of the markets operating in the 2nd district have to keep 2 metres distance from each other and must wear masks or scarves covering nose and mouth.
- The Fény u. market operated by the local municipality will be open from 6AM until 2PM on Saturday. The market will be closed on Sunday and Monday.
- Between 9AM and 12 noon only residents above the age of 65 will be allowed to visit markets operating in the 2nddistrict.
- The district is closing the parking lots near green spaces, parks and forests. Parking of vehicles shall be prohibited in the closed areas.
- The regulations will be enforced by the police and local municipality staff. Violators of the regulations will be fined according to the 71/2020 (III.27) government decree on restrictions of movement.
Let’s take care of each other!
Let’s take care of Buda!